Dans le cadre des travaux de recherche menés par deux Enseignants chercheurs du Laboratoire CERTES, Mustapha KARKRI et Mahamadou ABDOU TANKARI en coopération avec Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology et Tsinghua University (Pékin), une délégation de chercheurs chinois a visité les deux les plates formes expérimentales de CERTES. Cette visite a marqué le lancement des projets de recherches complémentaires et des thèses en cotutelle. Une visite de deux jours, mais riche en substance.

Délégation :

  • Yanqiu HUANG : Professor at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology. Her research primarily focuses on high-temperature airborne pollutant control.  She has presided five national projects mainly funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Ministry of Science and Technology. She is recognized as an outstanding young talent in “Special Support Plan” of Shaanxi Province and has been honored as the Shaanxi Provincial Youth Science and Technology Star. In recent years, she has published over 40 papers, one of which won the Annual Best Paper Award in Building and Environment journal, and authorized 38 patents and software copyrights. She has been awarded with the First Prize of Shaanxi Province Science and Technological Progress Award (Rank 2), the China Production-Research Collaboration Innovation Award (individual award), the Special Prize of Shaanxi Higher Education Institutions Science and Technology Award (Rank 1), and three other provincial science and technology progress awards.


  • Yingxue CAO :  Associate professor at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology. She is mainly engaged in the research on the transport characteristics of polluted air in complex industrial buildings and the design method of hybrid ventilation.  She has presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation youth project, 1 Provincial fund, and participated in 2 engineering demonstration projects. She published more than 20 papers in Chinese and internationaljournals, and won 2 first prizes and 1 second prize of Shaanxi University Science and Technology Research Outstanding Achievement Award.


  • Junhao RONG : PhD at Xian university.
  • Zhenhao Zhong; PHD at UPEC and Xian university.


Le programme de la visite:

  • Le 6 Mai 2024: visite de la plate-forme expérimentale  « Maisonnettes Démonstrateur MCP  projet de thèse de Zhenhao »  à Sénart.
  • Le 7 Mai  2024 : visite des plateformes expérimentales du CERTES.